Dr. Sumanta Daw

Associate Professor, M.Tech , Ph.D

Computer Science Engineering

Teaching Experience :

20 years

Industry Experience:

1 yrs

Research Experience :

14 years

Research Interest:

Pattern Recognition and Network Security.

Teaching Interest:

Algorithm Analysis, Operating System, System Programming, Object Technology, Computer Network, Web Technology, E-Commerce, Soft Computing, Computer and Network Security.

Conference Publications:

  • “A Novel Encryption and Decryption using prime number technique for the proper transmission of data in a Computer Network” was published in National Conference on Need Based Mathematics as on Today (NCNBMT – 2006), UGC sponsored, page: – 43 to 46.
  • “A Secure Image Steganography against Statistical Analysis” was published in International Conference on Modern Trends in Computer Security (ICMTCS – 2006), page: – 84 to 88.
  • “Online Bangla Handwritten Compound Word Recognition” was published in International Conference on Computing and System (ICCS – 2010), organized by University of Burdwan, ISBN-93-80813-01-5, page:- 221 to 226.
  • “Segmentation Based Bangla Handwritten Compound Word Recognition” was published in National Conference (e-TCM – 2012), organized by Techno India and Technical sponsors by IEEE, Kolkata Chapter, ISBN-81-9230347-0, page: – 136 to 140.
  • “A Novel Information Hiding Technique using enhanced LSB Steganography based on Random Number Generation” was published in National Conference on Computing and System (NaCCS – 2012), organized by University of Burdwan, ISBN-93-80813-18-x, page: – 105 to 110.

Research Publications

Journal Publications

  1. Sumanta Daw, Dr. A. C. Mondal, “A Font Invariant Ol Chiki Basic Character Recognition using Digital Curvlet Transformation”, published in International Journal of Mathematics and Computational methods in Science and Technology (ISSN: 2249-8915), September-2013.
  2. Sumanta Daw, “Online Bangla Handwritten Compound Word Recognition based on Segmentation”, has been published in http://airccse.org/journal.html (ISSN: 2231 5403) in the year of 2013.

3.Sumanta Daw, Dr. A. C. Mondal, “A Hybrid Recognition System of Handwritten OlChiki Character and Digit”, has been published in International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.-6, Issue-9, Sep 2018, E-ISSN: 2347-2693. Vol.-6, Issue-9, Sep 2018.