

Day Library Hours
Tuesday – Saturday 9.45 A.M. – 5.45 P.M.

Library remains closed on Sunday , Monday & Other College Holidays.

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Books: The Library has developed an excellent collection of Books, Journals & other non book materials. Total no. of books in the library have now gone upto 31,000 with more than 2000 no. of titles. There are different discipline books like Computer Science, Electronics, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Science, and Civil , Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry & Environment Science, English Communication, and others are available in the library. Besides this, some reference books (Conventional & Non- Conventional) are available for ready reference.

Journal : Good number of technical journals are being provided for constant updating of the latest developments in the field of science and advanced engineering technology. There are some popular magazines and books to supplement the needs for competitive examinations. Library also subscribes Three English Newspaper with employments news


Sl.No. Name Qualification Designation
1 Dr. Nakul CH.Mondal M.Com, MLISc,PhD, GDCCA Librarian
2 Selina KhatunM.A,MLISc,CITA Asst. Librarian
3 Arpita Mallik(PAN)BA(Hons),MLISc Library Assistant
4 Subasish Roy MP Library Attendant
5 Krishnendu Ghatak B.A(Hons) Library Attendant